Communication Arts Magnet Program

Troy Latuch, Principal

The Communication Arts magnet program provides a comprehensive, well-balanced academic program focusing on extensive reading, writing and oral communication. Students will establish a solid foundation in the English language with an emphasis on reading, writing, oral and visual communications. Students in grades 4 & 5 will receive an introduction to Spanish. Download magnet brochure.

In the program, students are immersed in the various genres of award-winning literature. The program will foster the development of students' oral communication skills through poetry recitations, public speaking and interdisciplinary student performances.

Additionally, communication skills are enhanced through student writings to include poetry, prose and nonfiction pieces. Students learn to communicate using various media and technology and develop an understanding of music and visual arts as important tools of communication. The program places a strong emphasis on community involvement. Through community service projects, students and staff work to enrich our local and global communities.

Instruction in all Newport News schools is built around the same core curriculum and meets all state Standards of Learning. Like all elementary students, students at Hilton will receive a solid foundation in reading, language arts, math, science, social studies, the arts, health and physical education. Students will develop the knowledge and skills needed to be successful in middle school and beyond.

Who is eligible?

All students are eligible to apply for the Communications Arts magnet program, which serves kindergarten through fifth grade. Students are selected by computer lottery. Students currently enrolled and their siblings will have priority.

How do I apply?

All students who wish to attend our magnet program must submit an application by the established district deadline. Applications are available at any Newport News school, the Administration Building and on the Newport News Public Schools website at

Transportation is provided to all magnet programs.

What does the program require of parents?

Families are expected to be partners in education at the Discovery STEM Academy and sign an agreement to:

  • Be involved in their children’s education
  • Communicate regularly with teachers
  • Provide daily study time at home and supervise homework
  • Provide a place and encourage their children to read various forms of literature assigned and for enjoyment
  • Have their children complete writings and projects independently
  • Play audience to their children as they practice for their oratorical presentations
  • Uphold the program’s standards and expectations
  • Ensure that students attend school regularly and arrive on time
  • Sign and adhere to parent/student/school contract